
Real fireplaces and wood burners are now incredibly popular in the UK. Even more so with the cost of living crisis and high energy bills. Many of us enjoy the appeal and comfort of a wood burning stove or open fire, and for some people it has once again become an important part of home heating.

Getting it right
for a national campaign

If you don’t know how to use your fire correctly, you could not only be wasting money but damaging your appliance, your chimney and polluting the environment. Burnright is here to help and inform the chimney sweeps so they can educate their customers on the most efficient way to use the open fire or wood burner.

We have helped Burnright create a number of educational guides that chimney sweeps can use to help inform their customers on the best way to use their fire – for safety, for the environment and for money savings. These have included the Burnright branding and corporate iD, Powerpoint presentations, website maintenance and SEO, exhibition displays and print promotional material.

Design for Print

Design for print

Logo and Branding

Printed Brochure



Vehicle Graphics

Vehicle Graphics

Web Hosting & Maintenance

Burnright 6pp

Our happy clients

Don’t just take our word for it. Take a look through our recent projects and see just some of the work we’ve been doing.

Spakls LogoHutan Biobroadacres logobeach babies logoquattro-tech carsCottenham Parish Council logoMillard ConsultantsCheffins logoVelo Plumb LogoC Eco RoofingPaul Beastall LogoCottenham Primary School logoPeacock Electrical logoWee Play U Play

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